Windtown Beach Resort & Spa

Windtown Beach Resort & Spa
The hippest hotel in Cumbuco Brazil

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Let it flow,
let it go,
no push,
no pull,
just be

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Stimulating body movements,

Endless, tireless.

We won't stop, will we?

We will go on,



It's silent,



It's getting closer,

True beauty.


Let's wisper this,

Roling words,

Slivers towards the light.

I won't hear,

I will see.


A warm touch,


It's love,

No gues,

Light breese.




For now,

I care,

I know,

I've seen it before.

It will end,

As all will,

It will continue,

As all will.

We won't see,


No change,


For now,

I don't care,

I know,

I was there before.

It won't end,

As everything else does,

This will continue.

We will hear,





Don't be afraid,

The time has past,

Sunken in a far dimension,

All alone,

Unexpected surprised with,

Endless rest takes it's fit.


Let us go,

The time is coming

All quiet,

Easy and slow,

Over endless roads,

Trough unknown heat,

I light touch on the skin,

We must go on you say out loud,

But it was not a shout.


No sound,

One big haze,

Spheres take control,

Strange eyes,

Beautiful, honest,

Far away is the space,

Endless rest,

With a friendly face.











Wednesday, October 6, 2010


You can not seek happiness, you can only seek the truth about it. When you seek it it becomes a desire which contrasts with happiness. True happiness is not something you find its something you are.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

RJ 08-10


Onveranderd dondert het door,
De kracht de energie.
De aansluiting is mooi,
Hier leef je voor.
Helder, warm het voelt zacht.
Kou, en bitterheid. Niemand die daar op wacht.
Ik moet nu door,
Ik ga genieten.
Nu kan het nog,
Tot de verandering,
Die komt, dat het ik ook verwacht.


Het gaat over, is voorbij.
Het blijft, het is van mij.
Ik pak het en houd het klemvast,
Niemand die mij hiermee verrast.
Ik heb het het duurt nog even.
Ik ga zo kijken,
Zal het nog leven.
Voorzichtig laat ik los,
Nog even zit het te beven.
Het is dood.
Ik heb tehard geknepen.


Ik sluit het privé stuk,
De lucht is triest bewolkt.
Verplaats me in het openbaar.
De sociale druk onnodig voelbaar.
Niet willen te worden bevoelt
Het verleden is maar....

De aandacht van toen.
Niets hoeven zeggen, niets hoeven doen.
Je kende me, niets anders telde.

Turend oneindig ver,
De wereld draait voorbij,
De stilte overheerst.
Wie zag mij eigenlijk?

Ik voel je aanwezigheid,
Het verleden is maar......
De aandacht van toen.
Alles leek gegeven,
Dit is voorbij.
Je betekend alles,
Maar het kan niets met mij.

Moeilijk los te laten,
Maar we zullen altijd anders blijven.
Het sociale voegt geen waarde toe.
Ik voel me niet meer betrokken.
Wil het wel vertellen maar kan het niet.
Uiteindelijk is alles hier.
Diep van binnen, wanneer je het ziet.
Het verleden is maar.....

De aandacht van toen
Je hoort mijn stem niet.
Ik ben je projectie.
Geen toekomst, alleen verleden.
Het verleden is maar.....
De aandacht van toen,
Gebroken glas.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hectic week....with nice pictures:-)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


leave it to it, push it away, recover. Slight energy used for unknown happiness.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fade out

fade out.
it always stays the same.
Energy changes.
All moves away.

fade out.

fade in and focus!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Was wondering how the evolution theory and reincarnation could fit together for some time. Well, if one counts for physical matters / energy and the other for spiritual matter / energy I don't see a problem anymore.


Hou me vast,

U armen om me heen.

De zwakke fysieke kracht, de sterke liefde,

neem me even met u mee.

Laat dit gevoel zich niet als pijn gedragen.

Ik hou van u maar weet het niet te uiten.

Ik mis u maar weet dat het gevoel wederzijds is.

Laat het gaan, accepteer het, ga door en geniet.

De Angst u nooit meer te zien.

Diepe teugen zuivere lucht.

Gepast loop ik door.



Waar is de wereld,

waar zijn wij,

Niets verloren,

Samen is het fijn,

Wie wij waren,

Wie wij zijn,

Altijd geleeft,

Nooit echt pijn,

Vriendelijke geuren,

Met natuurlijke kleuren,

Iedereen is blij,

Iedereen is vrij,

Laat het maar gebeuren,

Nooit meer zeuren.


Blauwe hemel,

Heldere nacht,

Ik mis je,

Maar het gevoel is zacht.

Zo blij met jouw te hebben geleefd.

Het zijn de zon en sterren die je wachten,

Egoistisch te smachten.

Ga in vrede op je verre reis.

Je betekent zo veel,

Die energie pak ik in geheel.

Niets verloren door negatieve macht,

Jouw positiviteit geeft juist kracht.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Won the brazil award for best Entrepeneur!! See:


Saved a child from drowning.


Amazing waves hit Cumbuco. Big and with a lot of power. During low tie the waves break a bit outside but when it became high tie it was almost beach break, 3 meters that dragged everything back in the sea.

Just recovering from a 3 day fever I went out in the morning for a swim to release the back muscles that hurt and where blocked by the necessarily stay in bed. (And also to challenge the huge waves). Within minutes I was exhausted and swam back to shore to take a breath. I felt dizzy for a while but worked my way through the day. And about 1500 hours the tie was reaching it's maximum hight. Further then I had seen for years. 3 children where looking at the waves standing close to shore while I looked with Clement (a Surinam friend of Jeroen).  I told them the kids where on risk and that last year 2 children died  in similar (but less) conditions.

Moments later a huge wave broke and water streamed on the beach catching one of the girls. The force being to much to resist it dragged her into the fierce massive whirlpool the shore break was. We looked for a few second and saw she was helpless. Her friends starting running and screaming for help.

Without thinking we run to the shore, I reached there first, I took off my shirt and telephone and dived towards her. Straight away I felt the immense power taking hold of me. I dove under two small waves before I reached her almost out off breath already. She looked at me with intense fear and I told her to be calm ("calma'), for sure I could not hide the fear in my eyes. Holding her up with one hand to give her struggle a rest and time to breath I saw a huge wave coming. I was tired already at this stage and her weight was holding me down. She saw me take a big breath and did the same. We dove and the wave collapsed right on us. My only reaction was to give her a big push towards shore just before I got mangled. It lasted shorter then I thought it would and when I came up I saw Clement 3 meters towards shore from me. He looked at me and I saw the girl come up 1,5 meters  next to him. She starting swimming towards me but I pointed her to Clement. Then the next wave broke taking all my breath and strength. I decided to 'run' for shore. During my struggle towards shore I saw them getting closer as well. Later Clement said he was also unable to hold her but she grapped his feet…….

For sure she would not have come out without us.

When I look back I would have done a few things different….. but instinct and 'proper reaction' are two different things.

Killed a rat with a KNIFE. Saw it, took the knife, followed the rat. In one hit opened his belly (scream), it ran away with his intestines out. Followed it again until the proper kill….adrenaline. Ask forgiveness from the Buddha, this creature doesn't belong in a hotel.

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