Windtown Beach Resort & Spa

Windtown Beach Resort & Spa
The hippest hotel in Cumbuco Brazil

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Won the brazil award for best Entrepeneur!! See:


Saved a child from drowning.


Amazing waves hit Cumbuco. Big and with a lot of power. During low tie the waves break a bit outside but when it became high tie it was almost beach break, 3 meters that dragged everything back in the sea.

Just recovering from a 3 day fever I went out in the morning for a swim to release the back muscles that hurt and where blocked by the necessarily stay in bed. (And also to challenge the huge waves). Within minutes I was exhausted and swam back to shore to take a breath. I felt dizzy for a while but worked my way through the day. And about 1500 hours the tie was reaching it's maximum hight. Further then I had seen for years. 3 children where looking at the waves standing close to shore while I looked with Clement (a Surinam friend of Jeroen).  I told them the kids where on risk and that last year 2 children died  in similar (but less) conditions.

Moments later a huge wave broke and water streamed on the beach catching one of the girls. The force being to much to resist it dragged her into the fierce massive whirlpool the shore break was. We looked for a few second and saw she was helpless. Her friends starting running and screaming for help.

Without thinking we run to the shore, I reached there first, I took off my shirt and telephone and dived towards her. Straight away I felt the immense power taking hold of me. I dove under two small waves before I reached her almost out off breath already. She looked at me with intense fear and I told her to be calm ("calma'), for sure I could not hide the fear in my eyes. Holding her up with one hand to give her struggle a rest and time to breath I saw a huge wave coming. I was tired already at this stage and her weight was holding me down. She saw me take a big breath and did the same. We dove and the wave collapsed right on us. My only reaction was to give her a big push towards shore just before I got mangled. It lasted shorter then I thought it would and when I came up I saw Clement 3 meters towards shore from me. He looked at me and I saw the girl come up 1,5 meters  next to him. She starting swimming towards me but I pointed her to Clement. Then the next wave broke taking all my breath and strength. I decided to 'run' for shore. During my struggle towards shore I saw them getting closer as well. Later Clement said he was also unable to hold her but she grapped his feet…….

For sure she would not have come out without us.

When I look back I would have done a few things different….. but instinct and 'proper reaction' are two different things.

Killed a rat with a KNIFE. Saw it, took the knife, followed the rat. In one hit opened his belly (scream), it ran away with his intestines out. Followed it again until the proper kill….adrenaline. Ask forgiveness from the Buddha, this creature doesn't belong in a hotel.

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