Windtown Beach Resort & Spa

Windtown Beach Resort & Spa
The hippest hotel in Cumbuco Brazil

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


For now I hope,
It makes us stronger.
Our looks at a bright cloud in the sky,
Our looks at the stars.

Love has many forms,
but only one belongs to us.
And it is real.
For this will stay,
or hurt,
for a very long time.

One word can not change our path,
and if it does,
it was not mend to be.

I hope it makes us stronger.
It should be......

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The imagination,
That there is no perfect truth.
As all is just interpretations.

The ground,
is not a lie.
As the cosmos energy,
Flows always within us.

The be,
Is me,
and you.
Now to see.

The future,
Closed flowers,
might open,
But that doesn't have the key.

The key,
is inside,
the imagination,
the ground.
Inside the flower.
That is where is us,
Our be.
Without water,
Without sun,
It is still free.

The wind,
will take us.
In any case,
in any matter.

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