Windtown Beach Resort & Spa

Windtown Beach Resort & Spa
The hippest hotel in Cumbuco Brazil

Monday, November 18, 2013


The ever sadness of love,
is the knowledge that,
One day,
It will be gone.
since everything passes.

The sadness of all beauty,
all that's wonderful,
all we find great.

The sadness that our strongest emotions,
will have the deepest grieve,

The beauty of the moment,
to take,
to make.
To live each minute,
In joy.
In fullest.

The beauty of feeling love,
all positive energy,
the be all, for just that time.

The beauty that our strongest emotions,
can be with us our whole life.

It never has to stop, we just have to open up.


Saturday, September 28, 2013


A clear night sky,
looking at the bright stars.
Each representing a part of you I miss,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


You who understands,

These minds are tuned the same frequency.
Mutual understanding,
The emotions felt ...

I see into your eyes,
even when parted.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Calm the mind.
We have peace.
calm the heart,
We have love.
Perhaps we can not say it.
But we can feel it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


So happy, so lucky, so nice to have you in my life. For this is bigger than you and me this is two lives mend to be. Our feelings and emotions float free, their own course and always find each other in this endless universe. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


For now I hope,
It makes us stronger.
Our looks at a bright cloud in the sky,
Our looks at the stars.

Love has many forms,
but only one belongs to us.
And it is real.
For this will stay,
or hurt,
for a very long time.

One word can not change our path,
and if it does,
it was not mend to be.

I hope it makes us stronger.
It should be......

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The imagination,
That there is no perfect truth.
As all is just interpretations.

The ground,
is not a lie.
As the cosmos energy,
Flows always within us.

The be,
Is me,
and you.
Now to see.

The future,
Closed flowers,
might open,
But that doesn't have the key.

The key,
is inside,
the imagination,
the ground.
Inside the flower.
That is where is us,
Our be.
Without water,
Without sun,
It is still free.

The wind,
will take us.
In any case,
in any matter.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The greater feelings,
A constant be,
Through the whole body.

For this is me,
The feeling for us to see.
The presence of the heart key.

For the moments,
Nothing else flows.
And I know she knows.

What will become,
No matter the end,
The energy has been send.

It will go for ages,
Times will change.
But this will never be strange.

Inner combustion,
Powers life,

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Walking in the dark,

Searching for the light.

The light I've seen, felt and tasted.

Double sharpened emotions,

Rise daily and never sets.


Water drops fall in an evergreen surrounding.

This is us, pure. Solid.

A little touch makes a world spin,

This could last forever.

We know, we know.


To reach out,

Our hands meet,

Hold and fuse forever,

Then part, pain.

Pain that confirms us.


For happiness is  always with us.

As joy or as pain in reverse.

The greater feelings,

Make us,

Feel alive throughout the whole body.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


A simple touch made the world spin.
The mind can play cold games.
Moving towards a perfect sin.
It sounds completely sane.

Words of love float freely here.
A little worry stays around.
The brain is very clear.
It receives you as the only sound.

Hands touch,
Thunder strikes.
Love opens,

Happy to have you in my life.
A smile that never dies.
This is how we thrive.
In honesty, not in lies.
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