Windtown Beach Resort & Spa

Windtown Beach Resort & Spa
The hippest hotel in Cumbuco Brazil

Sunday, November 20, 2011


The money,
The debt,
The believe.

The same people,
The same problems.
Harder fall,
Stronger rise.

Who will stand and stop,
This madness.
How stupid we have been made,
Misleaded by pure propaganda.

Can we change the commercial system.
Can we push a no money based society.

Or is our sold labour endless,
Do we take the montly salery as our happiness.
Do we keep buy the things they told us to buy.

Do we learn the thing they told us to learn.


When its destiny,
When love fuses with life.
When life chooses its way.
When the way develops in something unique .
When unique is partly yours, and partly hers.
And it brings endless caring emotions.
Unconditional love.
When the greatest pain is worth it.
And the progress continues,
Day by day.

Let it be, let it come. We will be here.


We live on hope,
That it might get feelings.
The beating of the heart.

That it is well protected,
Expanding in comfort.

That it will continue the progress made.

And it reaches the feeling, unconditionally.

In love it grows in our lives.

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