And that took me,
it shaked me and made feel.
A pain,
that tear in your eye.
I saw,
this should not have happened,
to you.
My hope is that you forget,
what he did to you.
That the knot in your stomache will leave.
That the visions will disappear.
To know that it was not your fault,
that you did not deserve this.
When you see that pain,
it does not leave you.
It stays,
Moves arround,
In toughts,
In body.
But know I'm always there.
I love we grow,
outside reality.
Say it, say it again.
Say it untill you believe it,
untill you know this is the only truth.
Close the vision to other options.
There is non.
But know that what we see and believe can never be true.
The impossible contains more truth then what we see as the only possibles.
The things we can not touch, the thoughts we beliefed as untrue.