Friday, December 23, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The money,
The debt,
The believe.
The same people,
The same problems.
Harder fall,
Stronger rise.
Who will stand and stop,
This madness.
How stupid we have been made,
Misleaded by pure propaganda.
Can we change the commercial system.
Can we push a no money based society.
Or is our sold labour endless,
Do we take the montly salery as our happiness.
Do we keep buy the things they told us to buy.
Do we learn the thing they told us to learn.
When its destiny,
When love fuses with life.
When life chooses its way.
When the way develops in something unique .
When unique is partly yours, and partly hers.
And it brings endless caring emotions.
Unconditional love.
When the greatest pain is worth it.
And the progress continues,
Day by day.
Let it be, let it come. We will be here.
We live on hope,
That it might get feelings.
The beating of the heart.
That it is well protected,
Expanding in comfort.
That it will continue the progress made.
And it reaches the feeling, unconditionally.
In love it grows in our lives.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Aha, it is the past now.
No changes to be made.
Accept, learn, burn.
For how we took care these things.
And what it mend.
We see and feel in the past.
Let it fly my friend.
The perfect sentence is not found.
And we will never get close.
But I keep on searching for the words to come.
The words I used and didn't make it.
Leave the pressure towards ultimate freedom.
It is there where you did not search.
Look at the bright light,
it will be welcome at anytime.
No pain, no desire.
But I miss you with all my heart,
and I will always do so,
even when it costs my freedom,
because it will mean nothing if I didn't have the change to feel this.
Pure, souls, no vage love.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
These moments to take,
We share the sanity,
Yellow eyed surrounding,
We need this, now.
Leaving the stars behind,
We travel under static covers.
And when it is,
It is.
And when its not,
It still was better then the rest.
Warm flows of frozen flower leafs,
Swirling down under your feet.
We touch each other.
Given away these breaths.
A pearl smile,
No tones, just gesture.
A reach towards the indulgement.
Flakes of broken love find the adhesive ballance.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
And that took me,
it shaked me and made feel.
A pain,
that tear in your eye.
I saw,
this should not have happened,
to you.
My hope is that you forget,
what he did to you.
That the knot in your stomache will leave.
That the visions will disappear.
To know that it was not your fault,
that you did not deserve this.
When you see that pain,
it does not leave you.
It stays,
Moves arround,
In toughts,
In body.
But know I'm always there.
I love we grow,
outside reality.
Say it, say it again.
Say it untill you believe it,
untill you know this is the only truth.
Close the vision to other options.
There is non.
But know that what we see and believe can never be true.
The impossible contains more truth then what we see as the only possibles.
The things we can not touch, the thoughts we beliefed as untrue.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
And I swear I felt his presents again.
Nothing vague.
I jumped and noticed his typical laugh.
I know it was him.
And on the moment I realized that,
A fish jumped out the water. Right next to me, same direction same speed.
Love you mate! It's almost 9 years now.
And if endless is endless it does not end. And when it was always there it did not start. And if we had a purpose it would be as everything has always been. To make it progress, to get further. And if it doesn't finish it has no end. And it will continue because ultimate perfectionism will never exist. And nature will try to break this until eternity.
And if we search for the good and the bad we can only measure to our knowledge. And in that knowledge ww will advance until good is good and we know what is bad. But the bad will never end and the good will always change because we need the bad to progress in the good and the way to perfectionism.
'I do not talk about why speeding is bad. I do talk why stealing or killing is bad. Because before this was not bad. There was no police or judge. So why do we get that ticked. Because the majority of us thinks it is a bad thing to do. And we adapt and live to these new rules for as they have always been there. But we made them'
And if there was always something there will always be something. No, we do not end, as nothing will end. Our body will mix with soil and water. And it will become nutrition for all that lives or all that does not live, and in that the body will continue. And our soul will escape in the form of pure energy. The energy we build up our whole life. The energy of the things we ate (nutrition, pay attention here), the energy of our sorrows and our happiness. The energy of our heart beats and blood flows. This energy will pas consistent as a warm piece of air. And slowly the environment will be moved and later adopt pieces of this energy so that we will become pieces of that. (Read that environment can include people).
'But this is not the truth is it, I know it has been calculated to a centre, to a bang'.
And this centre before the bang must have been somewhere or in something. And if we can look a meter and this is a centrifuge that slowly expends. How we know it is not pushing the things on it's edge (say that the edge is 10 meter) further away so it will always look that it comes from the centre. And how we know there is not an other centre on 100 meters.
And the implosion will occur but only because the other centre (s) around the one we see will expend theirs as well. The strongest will continue,
We know this: Nothing will stay the same and everything has an end. Right? Isn't this the only things that are sure?
And I respect the people who came this far and thought about this. And I do not think it is wrong because in our world this is true. But it is not more then half the truth. There is nothing that will stay as it is. Not emotionally, not physically, not chemically, not biologically. (will carbon always be carbon?).
But there is no such thing as all will end because for all ends there is a new beginning.
where are you going?
be quit now.
point of entry.
The strongest will live.
the greatest challenge.
it doesn't hide.
patience peace.
the finish starts.
Almost there.
all you bear.
non violent.
mean full words
not you, them!
your centre.
all you can.
Sit now,
You made it..............
Friday, February 25, 2011
In strong feelings I sense the joy.
present in now.
Natural overflow.
Up, down, upsidedown.
Slower time, primairy needs.
A pull into the sky.
No questions just fly.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tired, no empty space.
Traveling on a slow cruise.
Taking a rest,
The only desire.
Two feelings away,
Three steps to far.
Today it might change,
They will allow it.
Therefor we wait.
Totally in peace.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
flowing distance in the sky,
left behind in open clouds,
foresee your picture shape travel towards here.
meeting in fields of young spring flowers.
fresh warm fulfilment empties sorrows.
a simple touch releases tenderness.
fly cross open water, endless strokes of hidden nature.
a dimensional freedom.
together in endless expanding surroundings.
no tik,
no tak.
release one breath over loving care.
the hart opens, the mind follows.
us will be.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
When things are ment to happen,
When things are ment to be,
Do we need to see them as mistakes,
Can our morals ever take a break,
Can we sometimes live on our emotions,
With an open destiny,
Or are things just ment to happen,
Where they always ment to be.
Can we take them without energy,
Can we just be happy that we got these things to see.
What it says about me,
Treasure it, keep it close,
This is the memory of being free.
This the memory that makes me feel.
My hopes are in the future,
Only when it's there to be.
It isn't a desire, it's just me.
The smile can last forever,
The words are in the ocean,
Roling over the warm sand,
Never destined to be end.
The energy continues,
There will never be a sound.
That doesn't really matter,
A night swim will move the clouds.
--------Sun is shining-------------