Windtown Beach Resort & Spa

Windtown Beach Resort & Spa
The hippest hotel in Cumbuco Brazil

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Our Ocean

It is not far.
The tide that brings true devotion.
That holds your hand in waves larger than earth.
Time is made to let us see the roots that grow an fullfilled heart.
The search ends where it started. In dark brown eyes that shine daily above a wide smile.
That destiny merely circles around the choises that we made. And always refers to its centre.
If i only knew that it was this easy. To let a continues flow of my love come to you.
You could  not see the chaos that brought me here. The drive trough a jungle of thoughts that left no survivors.

For now we stay here. In this valley at the lake. Where blossom rides warm air and water is pure and clear.
It was hunger. It was thirst. Of a fire that spreaded in all directions. That surrounded us with the smoke and heat.

This is the last curve on the river that is soletairly resposible to feed our ocean.

It welcomes our new sun. One that will rise in the east and will not set again untill our ocean has dried up.

Monday, March 21, 2016


When silence takes too long in a time dimension that withhold unlimited patience. And doubt rises over the uncertain mountains never to be climbed
A 3 that stood for rainy seasons,waterfalls and a own world.
A memory that can not fade as dust does in the dry fields.

Faith and hope do conceal with love and pain.

The matter of love that makes us smile in the heart forever.
A smile that last an eternity but might be seen only one more time as a fading distant star.
Go on, let it go, it might just be a dream that we yet have to wake up from. Or maybe you did and we are still in the labyrinth of thoughts.
If questions could have their own life answers would be their food. But we do not starve from the unanswered questions, do we?

Eyes that would not blink by words of love have moved to the left upper corner and words will not be spoken during they stare back again. Words are not needed since all is understood. What last forever will only disappear in our observations until the beauty is forgotten.

The urge to move comes from a surrounding that bares a frequency destined only for those we obtained the receiver by birth. Move, move it is expected and understood. 



Monday, February 2, 2015

Fade out

Her eyes are not the same,
The gold on her neck has changed,
How long before the spirit fades.
Love alone does not survive.

A feeling that grows stronger,
A distance that gets further,
A care that is no more,
A pain that is constant now.

No talk,
No play,
No signs,
Only silence.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


One walks on clouds. 

Once desire overtakes life. 

Floating between silence and unbearable screaming. 

In the middle there is nothing but emptiness. 

We can have it all while having nothing.

Monday, November 18, 2013


The ever sadness of love,
is the knowledge that,
One day,
It will be gone.
since everything passes.

The sadness of all beauty,
all that's wonderful,
all we find great.

The sadness that our strongest emotions,
will have the deepest grieve,

The beauty of the moment,
to take,
to make.
To live each minute,
In joy.
In fullest.

The beauty of feeling love,
all positive energy,
the be all, for just that time.

The beauty that our strongest emotions,
can be with us our whole life.

It never has to stop, we just have to open up.


Saturday, September 28, 2013


A clear night sky,
looking at the bright stars.
Each representing a part of you I miss,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


You who understands,

These minds are tuned the same frequency.
Mutual understanding,
The emotions felt ...

I see into your eyes,
even when parted.


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